Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The gravity of the matter..

One fine evening, a dad, having picked up his 3 year old from school, happens to glance at her daily activity report. Under things they did during the day, it says “We talked about gravity”.
“Vow! They are teaching them about gravity!” he exclaims!
Mom rolls her eyes and wonders what they are going to teach them next…rocket science?
Excited at the quality of advanced education his little one is getting, dad asks her,
“So, did they teach you about gravity today?”
Blank stare..
“Apple honey, did your teacher tell you what gravity is?”
“But it says in here. Your teacher must have talked about it”
“OK. Yeah”
“So do you remember what gravity is?”
Yet another confused blank stare.
“OK let me explain it to you”
“You know how when we drop things, they always come down they never go up…..yada yada yada..”
Apple listens to the entire explanation and then asks “But Daddy, birdies are in the sky, they never fall down. Why doesn’t gravity pull them down?”


~nm said...

Too good! So what did the stumped dad respond to that little intelligent girls question? :)

Swati said...

Wow..she is intelligent :)

Anonymous said...

btu u must also tell what was her dad 's reaction? :D